Purchase Tickets


Tickets include 2 drinks, food from Finbacks's Dumpling Up kitchen, and a whole lotta fun. 

Crispy Morning: flagship pilsner
Rolling in Clouds: flagship hazy IPA
Finback IPA: flagship IPA
Fancy Drink: riff on French 75 cocktail with gin by our house distillery, Halftone Spirits

A portion of the proceeds from all flagship drinks will go to PS 282.
You may purchase additional drink tickets in advance or buy drinks at the main bar. 

Please consider covering the small processing fee if you're able to! 

We are keeping it casual.  Wear bright colors and florals, or come as you are! 
Please Choose the Quantity of Tickets Desired:
Would you like to add the following items to your order?
Additional Drink Ticket $8.00